Too much hate?

I am fed up with the attitude of hate that has invaded our world. Because of the Israel-Hamas conflict, both Jewish people and Muslims are being targeted for acts of violence and protests. I believe that because of the manipulation of news events by the media, people are being whipped into a frenzy of hate, by extremists who are taking advantage of the emotions of others who either represent Israel or Hamas. Why are people so easily led? If people would do a little research,, they might find that what they are being told is not the truth. Just consider the fact that there are people who have been part of Hamas or are Muslim that have actlually come to Christ. Wow!! Now that is something the media is not going to tell you. I hope and pray that rather than expressing hate, maiybe you might consider getting your facts straight before blindlly hating someone or a philosophy. All I know is that the Bible is the truth, and it does not teach hate, but love.